Law is one of the highest paid professions in South Africa and a law degree offers a wide range of professional opportunities, with many fields of law available to pursue. Lawyers in South Africa can earn millions each year, depending on the field and level of seniority, and can also earn substantial bonuses and commissions. Earnings are influenced by the type of lawyer that you choose to become.
There are as many types of lawyers as there are fields of law. The most common include:
1. Family lawyer
Family lawyers deal with legal issues surrounding the family, from adoption to child custody, prenuptial agreements to divorce. This type of lawyer provides advice, represents their client in court and prepares all necessary legal documentation.
2. Divorce lawyer
Family lawyers manage divorce matters among other duties, but some lawyers choose to specialise in divorce. They help clients make correct legal choices, looking after their best interests – financial and otherwise – and handle any custody or spousal support issues that may arise from the divorce.
3. Criminal lawyer
Criminal lawyers defend people or organisations charged with committing criminal acts. They defend the rights of their clients at every stage of the case. Criminal charges can include anything from violent and sex crimes, drug-related crimes, to theft and fraud.
Criminal lawyers provide legal assistance in:
4. Corporate and commercial lawyer
They use their expertise in company law to assist clients with transactions resulting from business operations. To succeed they need a strong understanding of company operations and the ability to negotiate, and draft contracts.
They generally deal with the following on behalf of their clients:
Most lawyers in South Africa work in corporate law and are amongst the highest paid in the legal field.
5. Estate planning attorney
These lawyers deal with wills, trusts and deceased estates. They store and protect all legal documentation relating to your estate. Protecting the estate interests of clients can involve:
6. Tax lawyer
These lawyers consult and advise clients on the range of taxes that affect them, including income tax, VAT, estate duties, capital gains tax, as well as customs and excise duties. They assist with tax planning and administration, and the resolution of any disputes that might arise with the South African Revenue Service.
7. Labour lawyer
These lawyers represent and advise employers, employees and/or trade unions in a range of matters to help regulate the relationship between them and ensure consistent and fair treatment at the workplace. The range of services they offer includes:
Who are the highest paid lawyers?
In its annual salary survey for 2022, specialist professional recruitment firm Robert Walters revealed the most in demand legal jobs in South Africa were general counsels in the financial services, commercial and industrial sectors. Lawyer salaries depend on years of experience and can range from R400,000 to R3.5 million, including benefits.
If you are interested in pursuing law as a career, why not do so with the guidance of The IIE’s Varsity College? We can help with deciding what type of law degree to study including whether to study an IIE BCom-Law over an LLB Book an appointment with one of our Student Advisors and learn more about options available to you in our School of Law.
The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) of which IIE Varsity College is a brand, is South Africa’s largest registered and accredited private provider of higher education. At IIE Varsity College we understand that no two students are the same or learn the same. That’s why we make sure a student’s education is shaped around them; how they like to learn, what they are passionate about, what makes them tick, and what makes them thrive. Our education by design approach allows students to grow into their best, and creates a space where they can live, learn and play - their way. To learn more about the school of law at The IIE’s Varsity College click here.